Prep for Prep
Advantage Testing provides pro bono ACT preparation to Prep for Prep students. Tutors meet with Prep students weekly in preparation for this test. In addition, our president and founder, Arun Alagappan, serves on the board of trustees of Prep for Prep.
Prep for Prep is a highly regarded and extremely successful program that helps prepare talented minority students of modest backgrounds to make the transition from New York City area public schools to leading independent schools and selective institutions of higher education. Prep for Prep provides its students with a sense of community, peer support, critical post-placement services, and a range of leadership development opportunities.
Students attend a 14-month preparatory course that spans two intense seven-week summer sessions as well as after-school Wednesday and Saturday classes during the school year. All students who successfully complete the course are placed in independent schools. Over 80 independent schools, including Andover, Choate, Exeter, Horace Mann, Poly Prep, and Trinity, enroll Prep for Prep students. Each year, Prep for Prep students are awarded $35 million in independent school financial aid.
College guidance services support Prep students during the college application process. Thirty-four percent of Prep students graduate from Ivy League institutes, and 90% earn degrees from the most highly competitive colleges in the country. Prep for Prep works to maximize career opportunities for undergraduates and college graduates through a variety of initiatives.